SMP – Scalp Micro Pigmentation, Hair loss treatment By Dr Navdeep Goyal
SMP (Scalp MicroPigmentation) is a highly detailed process that creates an incredibly natural looking simulation of micro hairs. Our sophisticated scalp application is administered to the head, usually over 1-2 sessions spaced about a week apart, to create what many are now calling the ultimate modern solution for hair loss sufferers of regular hair loss or alopecia, SMP offers an effective cosmetic hair loss solution.
As soon as one treatment (session) of SMP is finished, clients obviously want to get back to their regular life. Naturally, a great deal of questions we receive concern different activities once a treatment has been completed. Below is a list of the most common questions
What can I do in the first three days following a treatment?
Take it easy. In the first three days after a treatment, there should be no sweating, no water on the head, no shampoo, no washing of the scalp, no running, cardio activities, weight lifting or other gym trips. Simple walking around the house is fine and doing daily office tasks is fine.
When can I first shave my head following a treatment if I want to be extra safe or if using a razor blade?
By day ten. The reason is so that the razor blade does not remove still healing scabs and pull up and out any minute amounts of pigment with them.
When can I first allow water to run over my head (without shampoo)?
By day four and after.
When can I have a regular shower?
By day ten after any treatment.
When can I first use moisturizer on my scalp?
By day four after any treatment.
What is the best anti-shine lotion on the market?
Prior SMP clients rate Milk of Magnesia lotion very highly for reducing shine and it is generally agreed to be the best. Other products which receive good reviews are L’Oreal Pure and Matte Lotion for Men and Headblade Headlube Matte lotion.
When can I first use a matte lotion on my scalp?
By day seven after any treatment.
When can I first sweat lightly?
By day four.
When can I first sweat heavily?
By day ten.
When can I first do weight lifting?
By day four after any treatment, provided you don’t work up too much of a sweat.
When can I first do cardio exercise (like running 5K)?
By day ten after any treatment.
When can I first go to the beach and go swimming in the ocean with sunscreen on my head?
By day thirty (30) after all treatments are finished. Please use a sunscreen with SPF 30 to 50, or greater.
When can I begin to use spray tanner on my scalp?
By day thirty (30) after all treatments are finished.
When can I go swimming in a normal pool with chlorine?
By day thirty (30) after all treatments are finished.
When can I go to a sauna?
By day thirty (30) after all treatments are finished.
When can I go to an outdoor pool or the beach in the sun without sunscreen?
Never. The ultraviolet rays from the sun will damage the SMP pigments if no sunscreen is used over the course of many months or years. The end result would be fading and the need for a touch-up. Some clients report that they have spent much time in the sun with their SMP and no sunscreen without negative effects but we do not recommend it.
Aftercare Products
A very common set of questions from most SMP clients concern how best to take care of their SMP treatment after their appointments are finished. Below are a few products which may help to maintain a healthy and positive SMP appearance.
What is the single best anti-shine lotion available?
Milk of Magnesia. (Magnesium Hydroxide)(M of M) Yes, it is surprising that this antacid agent reduces shine, but it is indeed the single best lotion for creating a matte appearance. It is also by volume and weight, much cheaper than other popular anti-shine products currently on the market.
What are some other popular anti-shine solutions on the market currently?
Two other products that many prior SMP clients speak highly of, are L’Oreal Pure and Matte Lotion for Men and Headblade Headlube Matte lotion. Both are available from many online retailers and even major drugstore chains.
Will Milk of Magnesia affect my SMP treatment in the long term?
We do not believe so, but cannot be 100% sure.